What is it?
This is a Quantum calculation that goes back to the level reached in our path of re-births, according to the concept of Karma, in Indian philosophy.
Make ourselves aware of the level reached, creating the vision of where we should go.
What could it do for me?
There are many applications and they can be used for many things. Being Color-Vibrations I can know every day which is my Color-Dominant, know which Emotions I am Vibrating on and I can Avoid everything that is not with me in Relationship-Vibration.
We can go back to the Potentialities most highlighted by myself or my child / person or the person I love.
To know in advance (in a day, a week, etc.) my mood-dominant on a particular day such as a job interview, an exam, a meeting etc.
I can know of another Person what his Vibratory level is for a given day and thus enter Vibratory Harmony.
Starting then, from a more in-depth and Professional vision, it can help to truly trace a Path of Change - Inner and Vital.
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